Hello everyone! Today I want to propose another typical dish from the south of Italy: "stuffed aubergines". Delicious!!
Have a nice weekend!
Ciao a tutti!! Oggi voglio proporvi un altro piatto tipico del sud dell’Italia:
le "melanzane ripiene". Buonissime!!
fine settimana a tutti voi!
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by Carmen |
Stuffed aubergines
2 aubergines
300 g ground meet
2 aubergines
300 g ground meet
an onion
100 gr Parmesan
100 g tomato sauce
3 slices of white bread
½ cup white wine
1 mozzarella or other cheese to taste
Milk q.b.
Peper q.b.
salt q.b
Olive oil q.b
Basil or parsley
First wash the aubergines and cut their ends.
After that, divide them along their long side. With the help of a knife and a spoon, remove the pulp and place it in a bowl with water, so that it does not become black.
Now boil the aubergines outside for a few minutes and then leave them to dry and cool. Now take a pan and put a olive oil and onion that you have finely chopped earlier. Fry the whole ingredients over a low fire and then add the ground meet and cook it for 2 or 3 minutes. Add half a glass of white wine and cook it for another 2 minutes. After this, add the aubergine pulp, squeeze it well and cut into small pieces. Cook it for a few minutes and add half the tomato sauce and cook it for another couple of minutes.
When it is ready, turn the fire off and add the white bread that you previously put in a bowl with some milk. Squeeze it and add it to the mixture.
100 gr Parmesan
100 g tomato sauce
3 slices of white bread
½ cup white wine
1 mozzarella or other cheese to taste
Milk q.b.
Peper q.b.
salt q.b
Olive oil q.b
Basil or parsley
First wash the aubergines and cut their ends.
After that, divide them along their long side. With the help of a knife and a spoon, remove the pulp and place it in a bowl with water, so that it does not become black.
Now boil the aubergines outside for a few minutes and then leave them to dry and cool. Now take a pan and put a olive oil and onion that you have finely chopped earlier. Fry the whole ingredients over a low fire and then add the ground meet and cook it for 2 or 3 minutes. Add half a glass of white wine and cook it for another 2 minutes. After this, add the aubergine pulp, squeeze it well and cut into small pieces. Cook it for a few minutes and add half the tomato sauce and cook it for another couple of minutes.
When it is ready, turn the fire off and add the white bread that you previously put in a bowl with some milk. Squeeze it and add it to the mixture.
some salt, pepper, basil or parsley and parmesan and mix all together well.
Now take the outside of the aubergines and arrange them on a baking tin. After this, fill the aubergines with the mixture.
Cut the mozzarella into small cubes and put 2 or 3 of them in each cup of aubergines stuffed. Now put the remaining sauce over aubergines and sprinkle them with Parmesan cheese.
Now take the outside of the aubergines and arrange them on a baking tin. After this, fill the aubergines with the mixture.
Cut the mozzarella into small cubes and put 2 or 3 of them in each cup of aubergines stuffed. Now put the remaining sauce over aubergines and sprinkle them with Parmesan cheese.
Melanzane ripiene
2 melanzane
300 gr carne trita
Mezza cipolla
100 gr parmigiano
100 gr passata di pomodoro
3 fette di pane bianco
Mezzo bicchiere vino bianco
1 mozzarella o altro formaggio a piacere
Latte q.b.
Pepe q.b.
Sale q.b
Olio di oliva q.b
Basilico o prezzemolo
Per prima cosa lavate le melanzane e tagliate le
Dopo tagliatele a metà per lungo. Con l’aiuto del
coltello e di un cucchiaio togliete la polpa e mettetela in una ciotola con
dell’acqua in modo che non diventi nera.
Ora lessate per pochi minuti la parte esterna della
melanzana e poi scolatela e lasciatala raffreddare.
Ora prendete una padella e metteteci un filo d’olio e la
cipolla precedentemente tritata finemente. Fate soffriggere a fuoco lente e poi
aggiungete la carne trita e lasciate cuocere per 2 o 3 minuti. Aggiungete mezzo
bicchiere di vino bianco e lasciate cuocere per altri 2 minuti. Dopo aggiungete
la polpa di melanzana strizzandola bene e tagliandola a pezzettini. Fate
cuocere per qualche minuti e aggiungete metà della passata di pomodoro e
lasciate cuocere per un altro paio di minuti.
A cottura pronta spegnete il fuoco e aggiungete il pane
bianco che avete precedentemente messo in una ciotola con un po’ di latte.
Strizzatelo e unitelo al composto. Aggiungete il sale, pepe, basilico o
prezzemolo e il parmigiano e mescolate il tutto per bene.
Ora prendete la parte esterna della melanzana e
disponetela su una teglia da forno. Ora riempitele con il composto.
Tagliate la mozzarella a cubetti e mettete 2 o 3 di essi
in ogni coppa di melanzane ripiena. Ora mettete sulle melanzane il sugo rimasto
e cospargetele di parmigiano. Infornatele nel forno preriscaldato a 200 gradi,
modalità grill, per 20 minuti.
Sono molto invitanti e sembrano anche buone, Brava complimenti per la fantasia.
ReplyDeleteGrazie mille Luinia!!! Alla prossima ricetta !! ;)